I hope The Lean Builder inspires current and future builders by empowering the people closest to the work to improve the work.
2017 Lean Construction Institute Chairman Award Winner
I hope The Lean Builder inspires current and future builders by empowering the people closest to the work to improve the work.
Your job is simple: read this book. Then, get others to read this book. Together, we will transform the industry!
The Lean Builder is something worthy of our time—at least, for those builders who are fed up with the B.S. of our traditional construction methods.
This book’s easy to read and rich content has emphasized the real value of Lean application for the builder. A must-read for anyone who wants to take their implementation game to the next level.
The openness and transparency that went into the content of the book highlights the authors’ drive for a better industry!
The Lean Builder puts the focus where I believe Lean practices have the biggest impact: with the men and women who do the work.
This is a book that should be read by anybody who sees Lean as too challenging to attempt, and even those who have tried it before and failed. It will correct misperceptions and inspire people to try something new. Hand it out to your project teams and watch the light bulbs come on!
As a guy who loves to spend time in trailers with the real teams, I can’t wait to share this work with the dedicated men and women who actually build our projects. Thank you, Joe and Keyan!